Availabilty 4 days along the Frisian coast

4 days along the Frisian coast holiday home

Sometimes you can be so in need....even a few days away. Alone or as a couple, there are plenty of possibilities along the Frisian coast in B&Bs or a holiday home. Be sure to check last minutes! Bring your dog? Here is a selection of accommodation where dogs are allowed.

nederlands Deutsch
buitenaanzicht Frije Fûgel
starting € 420.00 
Frije Fûgel
Holiday cottage, sleeps 4, at the edge of the wildlife area near Lauwersoog

buitenaanzicht Weidevilla Nr. 1 Liesje
starting € 683.00  Last Minute vogelvlucht 8.5
Weidevilla Nr. 1 Liesje
6 persons holiday home between Hollum and Ballum
Mo 17/06 - Thu 20/06
lastminute € 500.00

buitenaanzicht Vuurtorenpad 12a
starting € 481.58  vogelvlucht 9.0
Vuurtorenpad 12a
Cottage in the dunes, sleeps 2

buitenaanzicht Zon en Zee
starting € 1 320.00  vogelvlucht 8.7
Zon en Zee
9 persons holiday home on the Badweg near the sea

buitenaanzicht Fitis
starting € 684.60  Last Minute vogelvlucht 8.7
6 persons holiday home in the woods
Mo 24/06 - Thu 27/06
lastminute € 525.00

buitenaanzicht Geelgors
starting € 757.60  Last Minute vogelvlucht 9.1
Holiday home, sleeps 4, in peaceful surroundings close to Formerum.
Fr 28/06 - Mo 01/07
lastminute € 625.00

buitenaanzicht Huis aan het Wad
starting € 847.60  Last Minute vogelvlucht 8.7
Huis aan het Wad
6 (-8) persons holiday home by the mudflats near West
Fr 28/06 - Mo 01/07
lastminute € 695.00

buitenaanzicht Om Aest - Oude Duinweg 3
starting € 967.60  Last Minute vogelvlucht 8.8
Om Aest - Oude Duinweg 3
8 persons holiday home on the outskirts of Hoorn
Fr 28/06 - Mo 01/07
lastminute € 795.00

buitenaanzicht Witvink
starting € 457.68  8.6
holiday home for 4 persons on the outskirts of the village and dunes

buitenaanzicht Kooykamp
starting € 896.50  vogelvlucht 8.9
6 persons house bordering the woods of Hollum

buitenaanzicht Ile de beaute
starting € 495.10  vogelvlucht 8.4
Ile de beaute
2 persons original furnished house in the village of Formerum

buitenaanzicht Pirola (Midsland aan Zee)
starting € 1 065.10  vogelvlucht 8.1
Pirola (Midsland aan Zee)
5 persons house in the dunes near Midsland aan Zee

buitenaanzicht Bunkerhuisje
starting € 610.10  vogelvlucht 8.5
2 persons unique tiny house in the middle of the dunes at Formerum aan Zee

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